Don't like unofficial stuff? Visit the P.C.H.S. Official Webpage

Welcome to the unofficial P.C.H.S. site...

This site was started by a student, gets contributions from students, and was created for students, former, present and future, of Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School.

This site has in no way been approved by any officials at the school, and there are no confessions, logs, stories or any physical evidence that any teachers or members of the faculty have ever heard of it. If you would like the official website, click on the link above. But that won't get you far, which is why I created this site.

This site is 100% interactive, and would not be possible without the contributions of fellow students.

Thank you for visiting,

Steven Faguy,
Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School Class of 1998
Webmaster @ PCHS Grads
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